Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kids say the darndest things!

It's been awhile since I have posted but I am now trying to make a commitment to post here at least once a week! My motivation is to have a place to record all the crazy, sweet, wacky things my kids say. I want to remember these things as I am sure when I am old they will bring me great joy!

Today, one of the twins - Spencer, woke me up with a hug and whispered in my ear, "Mom, I love you more than a pretty rose". Where does he come up with these things? I was sure he wanted something, but no, he just wanted to tell me he loved me. How sweet. These are the things that make your heart melt.

We just returned from a trip tp my Hubby's childhood hometown, McCook, Nebraska. This place is true small town America. The population is about 8,000 now but was smaller when he grew up there. The last time we were there was 10 years ago when I was pregnant with our first child. Every 10 years they have an all class reunion in town and everyone returns back to see high-school friends. I have to say that my impression of McCook was much better this time. Maybe it was the excitement the kids had in seeing where Daddy grew up, went to school, and worked that made it better? Anyway, when we got home, our son Harrison said, "Mom that was a great trip. I want to live there someday!" That warmed Daddy's heart!

The boys said that the fireworks show in McCook was the best one they had ever seen! They had a stadium show and all around the perimeter people were shooting off the most amazing fireworks. This was way better than what we see in our neighborhood in Colorado. Must be all those illegal fireworks they can get just across the border in Kansas!

Even our au pair, Dynah, enjoyed our visit to McCook. She appreciated that we drove home thru Kansas on the way home so she could add the 19th state to her list of U.S. states she has visited during her stay here. Dynah also commented that what she really loved about the U.S. was how safe it was and that you could just get in your car and drive wherever you wanted. Not so in her home country of El Salvador. This made me stop and think about the things we take for granted living here. It was a great reminder to me on the 4th of July about how great it is to live in America!

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